9th Grade Application

Application Checklist:

Before your family applies to Mount St. Mary, we suggest going through this checklist before beginning the application.

  • Allow yourself (parent and student) a total of 30-45 minutes to sit down and complete the online application in one sitting from any internet browser. Only one application can be submitted per student. You can save and come back to the application before final submission.
  • Please have the name, title, and email address of one teacher, counselor or administrator from your current school who will complete a recommendation form that will be sent to Mount St. Mary Catholic High School. 
  • Please have a copy of your most recent report card and MAP testing data available to submit in a digital format. This can be an unofficial copy from your school’s online portal (ie: FACTS/RenWeb, PowerSchool, etc.) or a photograph/scanned copy. It will be uploaded when submitting the application.
  • If applicable, please have all IEP or psycho-educational records in a PDF digital format. These items will need to be uploaded when submitting the application.

Early Application – Opens October 1

Your family is invited to submit an Early Application for Mount St. Mary’s Class of 2029 beginning October 1st. The early application deadline is Wednesday, November 30th at 3:00 pm. Our team will review early applications and mail out acceptance letters in early December. Early acceptance secures that your student is a Rocket in the Class of 2029! Any applications submitted after 3:00 p.m. on November 30, 2023 will enter the general application pool.

Each grade level is capped at a certain number of students to ensure small class sizes and an environment where Rocket students can truly experience community. Plan to apply as soon as possible to ensure your spot!

General Application – Opens December 1

General applications for Mount St. Mary open on December 1st. Our team will review general applications monthly until our freshman class is at full capacity. Once the class is at full capacity, students will be placed on a waitlist. Each grade level is capped at a certain number of students to ensure small class sizes and an environment where Rocket students can truly experience community. We encourage families to apply as soon as possible, before March, to ensure your spot!

Please reach out with any questions!

Elle Muzny, Director of Admissions
